Clear As Mud

Playroom Deconstructed

“Give the people what they want”, that’s what they say 🙂 and it’s very clear that what a lot of you want is the deets on my playroom. So, I’m going to deliver!

A little background is in order. 

When we moved to Bozeman in 2007, it was straight into our current home. We had no children back then and it’s been so much fun (and quite the experience) to constantly upgrade and reevaluate our needs.  14 years and 5 kids later thank G-d this house looks vastly different from when we bought it. 

2 years ago, we did some significant construction. Part of what we did was combine two small bedrooms into one large space which is now a playroom. I dreamt about this playroom for ten years, my kids and their friends from our Shul really needed it. I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted, what was important to me, and to be very intentional about how to put it together. 

I wanted to have zones (or corners) in the playroom, reading corner, art corner, creative play zone… so with that in mind, I started to look at furniture and figure out what kind of organizational system would work for us. I needed this space to be functional, sustainable and easily kept up. 

This has been a long time in the making, it’s not always so practical to create your dream space right away. The hope I have for this post is that maybe one piece of furniture or one organizational idea might be helpful to you, which you can then integrate into your home, befitting your personal needs and abilities. 

So here we go, pictures and links (of what I could still find)

The number one asked about item!– chaise

We are a book obsessed family, got the largest bookcase I can find. the open sides are a challenge to be completely transparent – bookshelf

Art corner – table– vintage wood crate bookcase– container store- divided lazy Susan

Other side of art corner and puzzle shelf single bookcase– oversized stacking bins smart tote– smart tote inserts

Activity table, one of my favorite pieces– activity table

Overflow closet where I keep games and toys I rotate in and out of the playroom


Life at War

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Noah has cooked in a variety of kitchens and has studied many different cuisines, but his favorite meals to prepare are the ones that make his guests smile. Be it Thai, Italian, Caribbean or Latin, there is always a fun surprise waiting for you at meal time. Noah welcomes special requests and guests in his kitchen! Just stop by and say hi.

Yocheved Sidof is a social entrepreneur, psycho-mystical depth work facilitator, writer, educator, speaker, and activist. After a decade as a filmmaker and photographer, she founded Lamplighters Yeshivah, a grassroots, internationally acclaimed, progressive Chassidic Montessori school. Yocheved builds communities with healing at the center. Most recently, she founded Ohm’ek, an intentional collective focusing on meditation, embodied mysticism, and micro-retreats.

A lifelong learner, she’s completed extensive training in adaptive leadership, therapeutic coaching, and systemic change. She is currently in a two-year intensive training with Thomas Hubl, studying psycho-somatic-mystical models of healing personal, collective, and ancestral trauma. She also writes, consults, works 1:1 with clients, facilitates group transformational work, and regularly teaches Jewish spiritual studies.

Yocheved sits on boards supporting innovations in mental health awareness and self-transformation. She has studied Jewish mysticism and meditation extensively, including with Rav Katz since 2018, completing Elevation Teacher Training and sitting on his advisory board for over a year.

Yocheved, her husband, and five children live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Come say “Hi!” if you’re in the neighborhood.