Clear As Mud

Everything Lunches

Lunches lunches lunches… I have not met a mom out there who revels in the activity of making lunches for their kids. 

My goal for this post is to make the lunches making chore a tiny bit easier, not enjoyable, as I’m not bold enough to promise that 🙂 

This post has been a long time in the making, not because there is so much to say about it, there really isn’t. It’s all about the visual, so I spent a few weeks documenting the lunches I make for my kids. My hope is that it provides some inspiration. Sometimes we just need some help getting out of a rut, I know that I do! 

My favorite way to prepare lunches is in a bento box, it inspires creativity for me, and I’m convinced it makes it more exciting for the kids and they are more open to healthy choices. 

Not all bento boxes are created equal! My favorite by far is the Yumbox! Here’s a link (6 compartment Yumbox) (4 compartment Yumbox)

There are a few options, and you can choose the number of compartments you want.  I use the one with 6 compartments for my 3-year-old and the one with 4 compartments for my older kids. (they even have an adult size so that’s always an option if you think you need more space)

Healthy food choices are important to me, but not at the expense of my sanity. So, you will see that I have a decent combination of whole plant-based foods and packaged items. Don’t let anyone shame you for the choices you make. You and only you know what’s best for your family, taking the big picture into account. Eating healthy at the expense of your emotional health will never be worth it, (speaking from experience here). Find that happy medium; your family will thank you 🙂

Here are some sample ideas to get you started, have fun and don’t be scared to think out of the box.

These are examples of the 6 compartment bento for my 3 year old. I like it for younger ages because the smaller sections allow for variety and smaller portions.

These are examples of the 4 compartment bento, which allows for bigger portions. you an always send some snacks separately if you feel the need

Here are some pictures where you can see the 2 options side by side.

If bento boxes are not your thing, hey I get it, it doesn’t work for everybody! I’m going to link my favorite lunch accessories. 

I love stasher bags. Reusable, dishwasher safe, fun snack or sandwich bags.  They come in a bunch of sizes.

I also like ziptop containers, these are unique because they stand up which helps prevent spills.

I get some great stainless-steel containers on pottery barn kids. Great for sending the leftovers to school 🙂 I’m linking a few different options.

I want to end with 2 points. 

  1. All these ideas that I gave you for your kids, can also be used for adults. You are worthy of a proper lunch too  
  2. If your kids are not in school and are remote learning, the bento box is especially good for that! Prepare their lunch like they are going to school, the bento box will make it fun, providing them with plenty of choices for snacks and lunch and what do you know, you don’t have to be a short order cook, ain’t nobody want that!!

Happy lunch making 😘✌️



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Noah has cooked in a variety of kitchens and has studied many different cuisines, but his favorite meals to prepare are the ones that make his guests smile. Be it Thai, Italian, Caribbean or Latin, there is always a fun surprise waiting for you at meal time. Noah welcomes special requests and guests in his kitchen! Just stop by and say hi.

Yocheved Sidof is a social entrepreneur, psycho-mystical depth work facilitator, writer, educator, speaker, and activist. After a decade as a filmmaker and photographer, she founded Lamplighters Yeshivah, a grassroots, internationally acclaimed, progressive Chassidic Montessori school. Yocheved builds communities with healing at the center. Most recently, she founded Ohm’ek, an intentional collective focusing on meditation, embodied mysticism, and micro-retreats.

A lifelong learner, she’s completed extensive training in adaptive leadership, therapeutic coaching, and systemic change. She is currently in a two-year intensive training with Thomas Hubl, studying psycho-somatic-mystical models of healing personal, collective, and ancestral trauma. She also writes, consults, works 1:1 with clients, facilitates group transformational work, and regularly teaches Jewish spiritual studies.

Yocheved sits on boards supporting innovations in mental health awareness and self-transformation. She has studied Jewish mysticism and meditation extensively, including with Rav Katz since 2018, completing Elevation Teacher Training and sitting on his advisory board for over a year.

Yocheved, her husband, and five children live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Come say “Hi!” if you’re in the neighborhood.